
Story of Twinkle Lights

There is something so special about  Twinkle Lights  isn't there. I know so many women who just love them, in their home, outside of their home, even around the dog house! Well I love them for two reasons, first of all, my grandfather invented them! Yes he did. He worked in the miniature lamp division at Edison Mazda in the early 1900's. He invented so many things, but they (his department) eventually applied his little lights to string lighting. I have to tell you that the day we took him (at the age of 89) to see the Electrical Light Parade in Disneyland, is something I will never forget. I watched his face as thousands of twinkle lights passed in front of him and wondered ...what was he thinking. I wanted to shout out and point to my Grandpa and say , this is the man who started this. I loved him and miss him so much. Oh, and the second reason I love Twinkle lights is that they carry me away to a place of hope and joy and wonderment!